HPAC Magazine

Noble GTA BBQ event runs hot

June 21, 2024 | By HPAC Magazine

Guests lined up for autographed photos of Canadian Olympic hero Donovan Bailey.

Welcoming summer at the end of a week-long heat wave, Noble Ontario hosted its annual Greater Toronto Area (GTA) customer appreciation BBQ and tradeshow event this year on Friday, June 21st.

With sweltering temperatures in the low 20s but feeling like 30+ with the humidity, this year’s all-you-can eat BBQ lunch and cool drinks were a welcome reprieve for the hundreds of local contractors in attendance at the wholesaler’s head office location on Jane Street in Concord (just North of Toronto).

Olympic Gold Medalist Donovan Bailey signing autographs.

As usual, the event included the newest version of the Noble T-shirt give-away and hats, and along the aisles were a series of supporting vendor exhibits and the always welcome ice cream truck.

With the Olympics only a month away, this year the company hosted Canadian Olympic gold medalist sprinter Donovan Bailey, who was signing autographs and taking pictures with the guests.





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